Volunteer at the Church Please talk to or email us if you are interested in any of these activities
- We need one or more pianists or guitarists for our Sunday service! If you or someone you know is interested, please have them contact us!
- Be a Greeter! Hand out programs and welcome people into the Sunday morning service. There is a rotating schedule you can add your name to if interested.
- Church Fellowship Hour: Help with cleanup detail or provide treats for fellowship after church on Sunday.
- Join the Society for Christian Service which meets once a month after church. This group works on many projects throughout the year and would love to have you be a part!
- Become an officer on one of our many church committees. We always have a need for new people and ideas!
- Take part in one of our many community events during the year. Be part of the planning and operation of the event, or just come and enjoy the food, fellowship and fun. Typical events are: Easter Basket Bazaar & Men's Pancake Breakfast (pre-Easter), Fall Church Bazaar, Hamburger Lunch and Soup Supper (November), and Christmas Stroll Soup Supper.
Volunteer in the Community
- Help with the outreach worship services at Elkhorn Health Center in Clancy once a month.
- Volunteer to visit with folks who can't easily leave home, or with those in the hospital.
- Work with the local Habitat for Humanities building projects.
- Take part in one of the local community garden projects in East Helena or Helena.
- Volunteer at the East Helena Food Pantry or Helena Food Share.